1. PERFECT: Titans Eat Humans To Revert To Their Original Form Season 4 is poised to reveal several things about Titans that have remained a mystery to this point. One such aspect that demands further explanation is the reason why Titans even eat humans in the first place. After all, they do not need nourishment, and the idea that they mindlessly just eat humans for no reason whatsoever seems too simple of an explanation. However, one chilling explanation that does make sense is that Titans are eating humans in a bid to revert to their original state. Due to their mindless nature, they don't realize the futility of their actions and end up causing more harm to the human race. 2. THEORY: Eren was the pig Ymir freed 2,000 years ago From manga ch 135: battle of heaven and earth. mir freed Eren, now he has returned the favor. “To You, 2000 Years From Now” Eren is a Time Traveller The final fan theory is an interesting one and is sort of true. This fan theory argues...